Tag Archive for: compensation

Compulsory Earthquake Insurance in Turkey – Compensation Claim

Compulsory Earthquake insurance is a vital component in the protection of homes against earthquakes and related disasters like fire, explosion, landslide, and tsunami. In the event of an earthquake in a region declared as a state of emergency, insurance companies are obligated to prioritize the claim notifications and indemnity payments for policies in all insurance […]

Re-employment Lawsuit

As previously indicated, employees with at least six months of seniority and who work under an indefinite-term contract at a company with at least 30 employees are protected by law, in that their employers cannot terminate their contracts without a solid reason. Otherwise, within one month of receiving the termination notice, such employees may launch […]

Personal Injury and Car Accidents under Turkish Law

Introduction With the increase in road traffic accidents and resulting injuries, including death, there is the question of how is it possible to protect a road traffic accident victim’s best interests and achieve a positive outcome under Turkish Law? This article will discuss the general provisions under the law and draw a distinction between personal […]

Turkish Law of Torts

Tort Law Introduction Suppose a motorist knocks you off the sidewalk as you were walking or off your bicycle as you were riding, is this a wrong you can sue him for? What if your neighbours keep making an intolerable noise, can you get a court to stop them? These types of conducts are considered […]

Insurance Arbitration and Compensation Claims regarding Car Accidents in Turkey

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr In case of a car accident that you confronted in Turkey, our first advice is to get a accident report from the police. If you are unable to request it, the lawyer must figure out where the accident is occurred and obtain the […]

Proving the Damage of a Victim by Forensic Hospitals under Malpractice Law in Turkey

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr This article is explaining the issues concerning proving the damage of a victim by forensic hospitals under Turkish Law. It touches on the issue related to malpractice related to plastic surgery or personal injury cases. Compensation requests from insurance arbitration or litigation is […]

Accidents on the Road in Turkey, Car Crashes, Traffic Accidents

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr In case that traffic accident victims are not willing to file a case against vehicle driver who led road accident, they can claim against insurance company of mistaken driver’s car. In general, both driver and insurance company are set as defendants in one […]

Compensation of Damages for Foreign Victims due to Terror under Turkish Law

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr Within the scope of the Law No. 5233 on the Compensation of Damages Resulting from Terrorism and the Fight against Terrorism, the damages of our citizens who are victims of terrorism are compensated. Under Law No. 6353 and Law No. 6495, employment rights […]

Wrongful Death Claim in Turkey under Turkish Law

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr As in common law countries, Turkish Law also covers damages stemming from death involved incidents by third parties. Traffic Accidents, Construction Accidents and other death involved accidents caused by third parties are subjected to Turkish Tort Law and also Criminal Law. Wrongful Death […]