Tag Archive for: conditions

Introduction to Jurisdiction of Divorce in Turkey

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr competent court related to the foreign elements involved divorce cases are the courts which have jurisdiction over concerning alimony, guardianship, liquation and compensation. Accordingly, a foreign decree encompassing orders of alimony, guardianship, compensation and liquation may refer to Turkish Courts’ competence as an […]

Provisions of Custody under Turkish Civil Code

CUSTODY A. IN GENERAL I. Conditions ARTICLE 335. – Minor is under the custody of his/her parents. Custody shall not be taken from the parents unless there is a legal reason. Unless the judge requires to appoint a guardian, disabled majors shall also stay under the custody of their parents. II.If parents are married ARTICLE […]

Interim Injunctions In Turkish Law

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr Interim injunctions are required to avoid any possible negative results in the course of the case. Therefore, in the course of the case, court may decide cautionary judgment in order to prevent any damages. İnterim injunctions can be requested from the court before […]

Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Turkey

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr This article aim to explain Enforcement Procedure and Conditions in Turkey. International private and civil procedure law of Turkey and Turkish Procedure Law are the main laws governing the procedure of enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Turkey. In this article, we’ll guide our […]