Tag Archive for: Turkish Law

Principle of Family Unity, Deportation Procedures, and Protection of Family Unity for Deportees

Preservation of family unity is recognized as a cornerstone of social and economic rights and obligations. This principle is reflected in numerous national and international regulations. Article 41 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey places the responsibility on the state to safeguard and ensure family unity and peace. Similarly, Article 8 of the […]

Inheritance Rights for Divorced Spouses

The Turkish Civil Code governs the legal aspects of marriage and divorce, and it is the basis for determining the legal rights of spouses and their heirs. If a married couple wants to ensure that their assets are distributed according to their wishes after their death, they can make a will. However, the terms of […]

Inheritance Contracts under Turkish Civil Code

Inheritance contracts are an important aspect of estate planning and succession management. In Turkey, the Turkish Civil Code provides regulations regarding inheritance contracts, which are divided into two categories: positive inheritance contracts and negative inheritance contracts. Positive inheritance contracts oblige the inheritor to leave a certain portion of their inheritance or property to the person […]

Nft Law in Turkey

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have gained significant popularity in recent years as a way to represent ownership of digital assets such as art, music, and other collectibles. NFTs are unique digital tokens that are stored on a blockchain and are not interchangeable or interchangeable like other digital assets. In Turkey, the legal status of NFTs […]

Intentional Killing under Turkish Law

Serious criminal offences against life are regulated by the Turkish Penal Code (“TCP”) and covers acts of homicide and suicide. Homicide Voluntary Manslaughter – Intentional Killing/Homicide (Article 81-83 TCP) Voluntary manslaughter may be regarded as one of the most serious offences and is defined as willfully and unlawfully ending the life of another human being. […]

What Are the Limitations of a Will under Turkish Law?

Under Turkish Law, there are two (2) types of dispositions or transfers of property that take effect upon the death of the person making it (also known as a “testator or testatrix”), namely agreements of inheritance and wills.   Agreements of inheritance. Pursuant to CC. Art. 545, an agreement of inheritance is a legal contract […]

Personal Injury and Car Accidents under Turkish Law

Introduction With the increase in road traffic accidents and resulting injuries, including death, there is the question of how is it possible to protect a road traffic accident victim’s best interests and achieve a positive outcome under Turkish Law? This article will discuss the general provisions under the law and draw a distinction between personal […]

Proving the Damage of a Victim by Forensic Hospitals under Malpractice Law in Turkey

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr This article is explaining the issues concerning proving the damage of a victim by forensic hospitals under Turkish Law. It touches on the issue related to malpractice related to plastic surgery or personal injury cases. Compensation requests from insurance arbitration or litigation is […]

Enforcement of ICSID Awards in Turkey in The Light Of Last Developments

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr This article is written for the purpose of enlightening the law society concerning the last developments in Turkey regarding the enforcement of ICSID awards. There was a debate about the enforceability of ICSID awards in due to lack authorization appointment concerning validation of […]

Compensation of Damages for Foreign Victims due to Terror under Turkish Law

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr Within the scope of the Law No. 5233 on the Compensation of Damages Resulting from Terrorism and the Fight against Terrorism, the damages of our citizens who are victims of terrorism are compensated. Under Law No. 6353 and Law No. 6495, employment rights […]