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Entries by admin

Cindemir Hukuk Bürosu / Cindemir Law Office

Adress : Al Mazaya İstanbul Ritim Residences Cevizli Mahallesi, Zuhal Caddesi no: 44 , b blok daire 18, 34846 Maltepe/İstanbul   Email : cindemir@cindemir.av.tr Registered Electronic Mail (REM) Adress : gokhan.cindemir@hs01.kep.tr Fax : 00 90 216 338 35 84 Phone : 00 90 216 550 67 75 Check İstanbul Ritim Residences in English http://www.ritimistanbulavm.com/contact/?lang=en

G鰇han Cindemir

Attorney at Law GSM Phone Number : 00 90 532 568 06 47 Email : gokhan@cindemir.av.tr

Hakan Cindemir

Attorney at Law GSM Phone Number : 00 90 532 303 04 99 Email: hakan@cindemir.av.tr

Mr. Hakan Cindemir, PhD, Senior Partner

He graduated from Kdz Eregli Ted college. He has completed his law licence degree at Istanbul University Faculty of Law. He obtained his law master’s degree (LLM) from Galatasaray University, Istanbul on EU law and he was also granted to LLM degree from Kocaeli University related to Administrative Law and Criminal Law. He became member […]

Cenker Değirmenci , Legal Advisor,General Coordinator

Cenker Değirmenci,法律顾问,总协调员 2002年,他从伊斯坦布尔大学法学院获得他的学士学位。他已经从伊斯坦布尔大学获得公司法领域硕士学位(法学硕士)。获得这个学位后,他成为伊斯坦布尔 大学博士学位候选人。博士学位期间,他被授予研究学者,并在2009到2010年间担任“Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht?客座研究员。他能说一口流利的英语,并具有良好的德语能力。至于他的学术刊物,他以?公司股东开除?为标题出版了部书。该书可以 在互联网上找到。他也是公司法及商业法、国际商业交易、国际私法、合同和侵权行为方面的专家。

Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner

After he completed his high school degree in Turkey, he went to Belgium with AFS intercultural exchange program and completed his high school degree in Belgium. Upon his return to Turkey, he obtained his law licence degree from Marmara University of Law Faculty of Istanbul, Turkey. During his university education, he had participated in Philip […]