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Entries by admin

Turkish Employment Law

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr This Article is aiming to shortly touch on the the scope of Turkish labor law. The article also described the main elements of the labor law. Labor Contract: The parties of labor contracts are employer and employee in individual aspect. These contracts govern the employment relation […]

Basic Principles of Turkish Labor Law

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr The main legal instrument of labor law is the labor contracts which govern the rules between the employee and the employer. According to Turkish law, labor contract must encompass three necessary elements. These elements can be mentioned under the titles of technique, economic […]


Cindemir律师事务所的成员由有能力的、至少具备法学硕士学位、说至少一门外语的法律专家组成。 鉴于此特点,Cindemir律师事务所是土耳其领先的律师事务所之一。请注意Cindemir律师事务所为其客户提供最优质的法律服务

Наши статьи

Эта статья направлена ​​на объяснение исполнение иностранных судебных решений, полученных от судов Ирана в Турцию. Это объясняет процедуру реализации иранских Указов / Решения в Иране на основе судебной и правовой договор о сотрудничестве, который позволяет взаимности между Турцией и Ираном в качестве основного договора.

Cindemir Law

Cindemir是一个土耳其的律师事务所,位于伊斯坦布尔,专长土耳其的业务、国家私法和欧洲法。 Cindemir律师事务所全身心地致力于为我们客户的法律问题寻求创新的切实可行的解决方案。

Cindemir Law Office – Lawyer Istanbul

Cindemir Law Office is a well known Turkish Law Office, based in Istanbul specialized in all legal matters which element of foreignness. Among Turkey lawyers,  Istanbul lawyers are unique considering their position between Europe and Asia. We also established our law office in Istanbul since 2004. When it is established our goal was to be the […]