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Entries by admin

Private International Law Rules

Introduction In the previous article on defining the “foreign law” element in Private International Law (“PIL” or “Conflict of Laws”), an example was given of a dispute involving a breach of contract between Y and Z where the contract was made in Turkey (place of contracting), but the terms of the contract require Z’s performance […]

Conventions of Turkey regarding Private International Law

  Some Conventions that Turkey is party 1.       19.5.1956 dated  (Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road) (O.J.Number 22161, 4.1.1995). 2.       20.6.1956 dated  (Convention on the Recovery Abroad Maintenance) (O.J.Number 13782, 18.3.1971). 3.       24.10.1956 (Convention on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations Towards Minors) (O.J.Number 14052, 24.12.1971). 4.       15.4.1958 dated  […]

Divorce Decision in Turkey and the Results

Consequences of a Divorce Decision in Turkey Introduction Turkey’s Constitution provides for several protections to the institution of family that are implemented through several statutory laws. The family is defined as the foundation of Turkish society, and the state must take necessary precautions to maintain the stability of families in Turkey and addresses the principle […]

Definition Regarding Conflict of Laws in Turkey

Introduction Over the years, the problem of how to define the rules of private international law (“PIL” or “Conflict of Laws”) has been evident as some scholars have suggested concentrating on describing and classifying the factual situations where a PIL problem is involved. PIL covers rules that determine the scope and application of domestic rules […]

Setting up a company in Turkey

Introduction A business that intends to operate in Turkey needs to know the type of company it should form as well as the requirements needed to establish that company. Under the Turkish Commercial Code Law No. 6102 (TCC), companies can be classified as either a capital or a non-capital company. It is important to consider […]

Turkish Commercial Law

Introduction Commercial law governs the broad areas of business, commerce and consumer transactions. It involves issues that arise during the course of running a business at any stage of its commercial cycle. As a civil law country, Turkey’s legal system comprises codified sets of rules or legislations. In the area of commercial law, these rules […]