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Entries by admin

Criminal complained against Mr. Eleftherios Sinadinos

Attorney Gokhan Cindemir filed criminal complained against Mr. Eleftherios Sinadinos by submitting application to Public Prosecutor of Istanbul for the words he mentioned in a debate on the EU-Turkey summit on 9th March 2016 (prosecution registration numbered 2016/37324, dated 11,03,2016). ,Synadinos, a member of Greece’s Golden Dawn party, told the Strasbourg-based European parliament that “as […]

Prosecutor demanded acquittal of our client ” Irish Tourist” based on the defence of Cindemir Law Office

http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/Default.aspx?pageID=238&nID=93465&NewsCatID=509 A Turkish prosecutor has demanded the acquittal of an Irish-Kuwaiti tourist who made headlines in August 2015 when video footage of his brawl with Turkish shopkeepers in Istanbul went viral. The indictment, which was prepared by Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor Mehmet Sami Çağlayan, said Irish-Kuwaiti tourist and complainant-suspect Mohammed Fadel Dobbous legally defended himself […]

Our press statement regarding Keshia Handa

Cindemir Law Office, Istanbul, Turkey, 29.11.2015 – Those who caused the death of Phscholofist Keshia Handa are found halfly negligent due to their wrongful act stemming from lack of taking sufficient precautions in order to prevent possible injury ended with unfortunate death of victim Keshia Handa. Under investigation file, Istanbul prosecutor claimed that hotel owner […]

Introduction to Jurisdiction of Divorce in Turkey

Author: Mr. Gökhan Cindemir , Phd Candidate , Senior Partner Lawyer cindemir@cindemir.av.tr competent court related to the foreign elements involved divorce cases are the courts which have jurisdiction over concerning alimony, guardianship, liquation and compensation. Accordingly, a foreign decree encompassing orders of alimony, guardianship, compensation and liquation may refer to Turkish Courts’ competence as an […]

Turkish Labor Law

LABOUR ACT OF TURKEY Law No. 4857 Date of enactment: 22.05.2003 Published in the Official Gazette 0n 10 June 2003 CHAPTER ONE General Provisions Purpose and Scope: Article 1. The purpose of this Act is to regulate the working conditions and work-related rights and obligations of employers and employees working under an employment contract. With […]