Obtaining a Criminal Record Certificate in Turkey: A Step-by-Step Guide

Criminal record certificate Turkey In Turkey, an individual’s criminal record can be accessed by the Attorney General’s Office or the individual themselves, following a period of five years since their conviction. This is in accordance with the right against self-incrimination as outlined in Article 76 of the Turkish Constitution. If you are in need of a criminal record certificate in Turkey, here is a step-by-step guide on how to obtain one.

Step 1: Authorize a legal attorney

To obtain a copy of your criminal record certificate, you can authorize a legal attorney registered with the Union of Turkish Bar Associations (https://www.barobirlik.org.tr/en) to apply on your behalf. A list of registered attorneys in Istanbul can be found on the Istanbul Bar Association website (https://www.istanbulbarosu.org.tr/AttorneySearch.aspx).

Step 2: Apostille Stamp

For foreigners, obtaining a criminal record certificate from Turkey requires an apostille stamp. This stamp is a form of authentication for official documents that will be recognized by foreign countries.

Step 3: Provide Identification

It is important to provide a Turkish Residence ID Card or ID number to avoid issues that may arise with long Arabic names that may not be recognized by the digital system.

Step 4: Language

The document will only be provided in Turkish, and if the foreigner’s country is part of an apostille agreement, it will be valid in their country and can be translated to their language if necessary. If the country does not have an apostille agreement with Turkey, the document must be approved by the Turkish Consulate in that country to prove its authenticity.

Step 5: Processing Time

The process of obtaining a criminal record certificate from the Attorney General’s Court department typically takes only a few hours.

Obtaining a criminal record certificate in Turkey can seem daunting, but by following these steps and understanding the laws in place, the process can be made simpler. Keep in mind that it’s important to have a Turkish Residence ID Card and an apostille stamp when obtaining a criminal record certificate. Additionally, the role of legal attorney registered with the Union of Turkish Bar Associations or the Istanbul Bar Association is also crucial to obtain your certificate effectively.